Latest technologies and solutions

Operational support for business

Business lives in a constantly changing environment, requiring adjustments in strategy, lines of business, and management methods. The need for sustainable development is increasingly felt both by individual companies and many industries.

Wholesale trade in new technologies

We are well positioned to conduct market research, optimise and develop wholesale trade in certain exchange-traded commodities that are actively resold both on organised markets and on online platforms under direct contracts. The peculiarity of such goods is standardisation of consumer properties, interchangeability, storability, transportability, batch crushability. First of all, these are: vegetable oils, alternative and environmentally neutral energy sources.

WEB technologies, E-Commerce

Selling IT services is the art of solving the problems of a non-IT client, but striving to be on trend with the current trends of promoting and selling products and services using modern web technologies.

Artificial Intelligence

We focus on the use of AI in agriculture. AI is essential for a wide range of tasks, from collecting data on soil dynamics, to managing plant growth, to harvesting. For example, AI is already yielding good results in growing tomatoes and other vegetables indoors, significantly improving economic returns. AI enables faster implementation of the latest agro-technologies and innovations in the production of fruits, vegetables and other useful plants.